fall 2016

From The Agency Corner: Network is your net worth

Article by Mala Owens

You’re running late for an audition! When you finally arrive you notice that you will need to wait another 15 minutes in the waiting room.

Network is your net worth

You’re running late for an audition! When you finally arrive you notice that you will need to wait another 15 minutes in the waiting room. After signing in, you prepare for your scene. The same scene you spent hours working on the night before. You give a great audition and you’re invited to the callback. It comes down between you and another actor; however, you did not get the part. The only difference between the other actor and you, were their relationships. Creating and honing relationships is critical to an actor’s career. Robert Kiyosaki said, “The richest people in the world look for and build networks. Everyone else just looks for work.” Now whether money is important to you or not, there’s a bigger picture here. Being rich and successful differs from one person to the next.

Build it before you need it! Many actors are terrified at the idea of networking. You can start small. Many actors do not realize they already have a network. The people you train with and see on auditions are your most valuable assets. You have a bond that may survive a lifetime. It is critical to stay in contact with those people. This is not just a matter of swapping names. Think bigger, it’s about going to see performances, meeting casting directors, directors and producers. Surround yourself with like-minded successful people. Get involved and learn the industry as much as you can. In doing so, help your agents help you. Informing your agents of networking connections and creating a tracker (where you met acquaintance and information about them), will help the team with the overall goal, which is to create a successful career for you.

The currency of real networking is not greed, but generosity. Many actors approach networking with the mentality of ‘What can you do for me?’ as opposed to ‘What can I do for you?’ You absolutely never know whom you’ll bump into or where they’ll be in the next couple years. Whether it’s your server at your favorite restaurant or the mailman with a side hustle as an actor, its best to keep an open mind and build good solid relationships with those around you. By focusing on your PR, you will be surprised how many bridges you’ll be able to build and how the most unsuspecting people can eventually help in your career.

One of the best tools to use to network today is social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube can help you bond with fellow actors inspire you, and inform you about new shows and companies. It is a great way to start that personal connection. Also, showcase your work! You want to create a strong presence that fuels your career.

Don’t forget to have fun. This is one of the best times of your life. You are pursuing your dreams many others are too afraid to pursue. Networking with people is not a calculated formula but a lifestyle. Coming across as a person seeking pure gain from others will cause those you meet to be wary of what your true intentions are. People can open doors for you, but ultimately you hold the key to those opportunities in the first place.

About Mala
Mala Ownes is owner and Director of Commercials and Print for the Youth Division in Los Angeles. She is a native of Ohio and has been in Los Angeles for 13 years. As the mother of child performers, Mala is familiar with the business on both sides and her client’s benefit from this insight into how to succeed in the business.
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