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13 Valuable Skills You Can Teach Yourself While Stuck at Home
By Lauren Tassi
So there's a global pandemic and everything is shut down. This means you get to take a break from acting and enjoy some downtime right? Not so fast.

NOW is the time to sharpen your skills and add some new ones to your resume. Here's a list of valuable skills you can learn at home. Right now. Make YouTube your new best friend during this quarantine and you'll come out as a more bookable actor.

Ready… let's go!
1. Learn an Instrument
It's time to pull out that guitar that's been sitting in the closet for nearly a decade. You can find tons of resources on how to play any instrument online. Whether you're starting with zero knowledge or looking to improve your skill, learning an instrument adds value to any actor's resume.
2. Improve Your Singing Voice
Do you hate karaoke night? It's time to embrace your fear and learn how to sing. You'll never sound like Lady Gaga but knowing how to work with the voice you've been given can be a lifesaver in an audition.
3. Learn to Rap
This is a fun one! Watch some videos online and learn how to spit some classic verses. Take things a step further and write your own. You never know when you'll have to throw down in a rap battle.
4. Dance Lessons (solo)
Dancing in your living room is a great quarantine workout. Plus you can pick up a few moves for the next time you have to improv in an audition. If you're already a confident dancer, check out some styles you're unfamiliar with like ballroom dancing, salsa, and the waltz.
5. Stage Combat & Theatrical Weapons
Depending on what equipment you have at home, you may be able to learn sword fighting and stage combat on your own. If you're quarantined with a fellow actor watch some fight choreography videos together and practice. Remember safety is the most important part of stage combat.
6. Martial Arts
If you've always wanted to learn karate — now's your chance. Maybe you took lessons as a kid but don't remember much. You won't become a black belt over YouTube but you can learn some basics.
7. Accents & Dialects
If you're stuck at home watching Netflix, you might as well polish your dialects. Pick one or two that you're most likely to get asked to perform in an audition. Study it online then watch some movies and practice. Speak as much as you can in the accent and it will become second nature. Riiight, mate?
8. Languages
Habla Español? If you're tired of saying, no, it's the time to learn. Japanese, Mandarin, German, Italian — pick a language that suits your type. You could book so many more roles even with a few phrases under your belt. Check out one of the many free language learning apps and watch some videos online. To get more comfortable speaking you can find a language exchange buddy and Skype with them.
9. Sign Language
ASL is a great skill to have. If you're not sure about learning an entirely new language give sign language a try. There are numerous apps and online courses to help you learn.
10. Speed Reading
Sometimes great acting comes down to research. Absorbing as much literature and history as you can, will give you more resources to pull from when it's time to perform. Learn how to speed read and you can build a well-developed character quickly. Plus you'll be able to read scripts and breakdowns faster than anyone else. Who wouldn't want that?
11. Stand Up Comedy
Have you always wanted to give stand up a try? Just because all the open mics are canceled doesn't mean you can't start working on your act. Study your favorite comedians and write some jokes. Practice on your own and for willing friends over FaceTime. Putting in some work during quarantine will give you the boost of courage you need to get your butt on stage.
12. Sports
More and more breakdowns are released every day looking for "real rock climbers" and "real skateboarders." Think about the sports you played as a kid. Now get better at them. You're limited by the equipment you currently have access to but you can always skate around your driveway or bounce a basketball in your garage.
13. Your Passion
Have you been knitting or baking bread? Maybe you've been hard at work learning how to DJ or build a coffee table. Whatever you're interested in is a valuable acting skill. Allow yourself to explore your curiosity and don't forget to update your resume.